Gerakan Guna Ulang (The Reuse Movement)

This initiative aims to develop an ecosystem that promotes reuse movement by finding replacement for single-use item and creating a system which engages all actors (producer, consumer, distributor, and waste management) to be involved.

Pasar Bebas Plastik (Free Plastic Market)

Pasar Bebas Plastic was initiated in 2019 by Diet Kantong Plastik Indonesia which aims to reduce the use of single-use plastic in the traditional market, which is one of the greatest producers of plastic waste. The program started from the research phase to training to sellers, campaign, and supervision of the program. Pasar Bebas Plastik is already running in several cities in Indonesia, such as Jakarta, Bandung, Bogor, Banjarmasin, Surabaya, and Bali.

Type of organization

Organization profile

Dietplastik Indonesia is an NGO which focuses on reducing single-use plastic waste by providing various advocacy, campaigns, and educational programs.

Gerakan Guna Ulang (The Reuse Movement)

This initiative aims to develop an ecosystem that promotes reuse movement by finding replacement for single-use item and creating a system which engages all actors (producer, consumer, distributor, and waste management) to be involved.

Pasar Bebas Plastik (Free Plastic Market)

Pasar Bebas Plastic was initiated in 2019 by Diet Kantong Plastik Indonesia which aims to reduce the use of single-use plastic in the traditional market, which is one of the greatest producers of plastic waste. The program started from the research phase to training to sellers, campaign, and supervision of the program. Pasar Bebas Plastik is already running in several cities in Indonesia, such as Jakarta, Bandung, Bogor, Banjarmasin, Surabaya, and Bali.

Type of organization

International Organisations and NGOs

Organization profile

Dietplastik Indonesia is an NGO which focuses on reducing single-use plastic waste by providing various advocacy, campaigns, and educational programs.