Hari Bersih Indonesia

This program is an annual nationwide cleanup event that aims to raise awareness about plastic waste and littering. It mobilizes volunteers across Indonesia to clean cities, beaches, and mountains, fostering environmentally conscious habits like reducing, reusing, recycling, and responsible waste management.

Saya Pahlawan Lingkungan

This program educates future generations on environmental sustainability. It includes Training of Masters to equip teachers with environmental knowledge and Captain Fanplastic to enhance environmental literacy in students through interactive activities.

Type of organization

Organization profile

Indonesia Indah Foundation (IIF) aims to create a sustainable, clean, and beautiful Indonesia. They focus on organizing mass-scale cleanups, promoting environmental education, and empowering communities to adopt eco-friendly behaviors to address climate change and pollution

Hari Bersih Indonesia

This program is an annual nationwide cleanup event that aims to raise awareness about plastic waste and littering. It mobilizes volunteers across Indonesia to clean cities, beaches, and mountains, fostering environmentally conscious habits like reducing, reusing, recycling, and responsible waste management.

Saya Pahlawan Lingkungan

This program educates future generations on environmental sustainability. It includes Training of Masters to equip teachers with environmental knowledge and Captain Fanplastic to enhance environmental literacy in students through interactive activities.

Type of organization

International Organisations and NGOs

Organization profile

Indonesia Indah Foundation (IIF) aims to create a sustainable, clean, and beautiful Indonesia. They focus on organizing mass-scale cleanups, promoting environmental education, and empowering communities to adopt eco-friendly behaviors to address climate change and pollution