Raising Awareness on Plastic Use Reduction and Recycling

Among other strategic issues, KFEM works on raising awareness about reducing plastic use and promoting the use of recycled products, considering the alarming rate of global plastic production. KFEM advocates for manufacturers to produce less plastic and commit to recycling. Through this, many major companies in the Republic of Korea have already shifted to eco-friendly packaging. KFEM also utilizes bottom-up advocacy by raising individuals’ awareness of the importance of plastic waste reduction by holding challenges such as the “plastic zero challenge” or “plogging.” 

Implementing partner:

Friends of the Earth Korea

Type of organization

Organization profile

Korea Federation for Environmental Movements (KFEM) is an NGO that takes progressive actions to support the core values of life, peace, ecology, and bottom-up participation in addressing climate change issues and fostering a sustainable environment.

Raising Awareness on Plastic Use Reduction and Recycling

Among other strategic issues, KFEM works on raising awareness about reducing plastic use and promoting the use of recycled products, considering the alarming rate of global plastic production. KFEM advocates for manufacturers to produce less plastic and commit to recycling. Through this, many major companies in the Republic of Korea have already shifted to eco-friendly packaging. KFEM also utilizes bottom-up advocacy by raising individuals’ awareness of the importance of plastic waste reduction by holding challenges such as the “plastic zero challenge” or “plogging.” 

Implementing partner:

Friends of the Earth Korea

Type of organization

International Organisations and NGOs

Organization profile

Korea Federation for Environmental Movements (KFEM) is an NGO that takes progressive actions to support the core values of life, peace, ecology, and bottom-up participation in addressing climate change issues and fostering a sustainable environment.