Beach Clean-Up

Beach clean-up events organized by MY Clean Beach are impactful initiatives aimed at preserving Malaysia's coastal environments and combatting the issue of plastic pollution. These events gather volunteers from various communities, backgrounds, and age groups to actively engage in the restoration and conservation of coastal areas. The collected debris, which often includes single-use plastics, bottles, and discarded packaging, is properly disposed of or sent for recycling, minimizing its negative impact on the marine ecosystem.

Type of organization

International Organisations and NGOs

Organization profile

MY Clean Beach organizes and promotes regular beach clean-up events where volunteers come together to collect and properly dispose of litter, including plastic waste, from beaches. These clean-up events provide an opportunity for community engagement and environmental education.

Beach Clean-Up

Beach clean-up events organized by MY Clean Beach are impactful initiatives aimed at preserving Malaysia's coastal environments and combatting the issue of plastic pollution. These events gather volunteers from various communities, backgrounds, and age groups to actively engage in the restoration and conservation of coastal areas. The collected debris, which often includes single-use plastics, bottles, and discarded packaging, is properly disposed of or sent for recycling, minimizing its negative impact on the marine ecosystem.

Type of organization

International Organisations and NGOs

Organization profile

MY Clean Beach organizes and promotes regular beach clean-up events where volunteers come together to collect and properly dispose of litter, including plastic waste, from beaches. These clean-up events provide an opportunity for community engagement and environmental education.