Reimagine Recycling

Reimagine Recycling began in 2019 as a skills-building workshop for non-profit organizations working on waste. The program was adapted into an online workshop in 2020. In 2021 and 2022, Reimagine Recycling sought emerging circular economy solutions to be part of an incubator program. Representatives from these initiatives attended workshops to enhance their business ideas. A total of 12 initiatives across the country were selected to receive grants and mentorship.

Implementation duration
2019 - ongoing

Implementating partners
Coca-Cola Philippines, Coca-Cola Foundation, Tetra Pak

Type of organization

International Organisations and NGOs

Organization profile

SPS began as an online platform in May 2011 as a response to a large-scale illegal wildlife trade case dubbed in the media as the “rape of the Philippine Seas.” In February 2013, it officially became a non-profit organization under the name Philippine Seatizens, Inc. SPS focuses on engaging with governments, businesses, schools, NGOs, and individuals, educating communities on the value of protecting our marine resources, and seatizens to take action for conservation and restoration.

Reimagine Recycling

Reimagine Recycling began in 2019 as a skills-building workshop for non-profit organizations working on waste. The program was adapted into an online workshop in 2020. In 2021 and 2022, Reimagine Recycling sought emerging circular economy solutions to be part of an incubator program. Representatives from these initiatives attended workshops to enhance their business ideas. A total of 12 initiatives across the country were selected to receive grants and mentorship.

Implementation duration
2019 - ongoing

Implementating partners
Coca-Cola Philippines, Coca-Cola Foundation, Tetra Pak

Type of organization

International Organisations and NGOs

Organization profile

SPS began as an online platform in May 2011 as a response to a large-scale illegal wildlife trade case dubbed in the media as the “rape of the Philippine Seas.” In February 2013, it officially became a non-profit organization under the name Philippine Seatizens, Inc. SPS focuses on engaging with governments, businesses, schools, NGOs, and individuals, educating communities on the value of protecting our marine resources, and seatizens to take action for conservation and restoration.