GreenPack is a program by SIRIM that aims to promote awareness on the utilization of eco-friendly packaging to the food industry and the consumers. This program package includes:
Development of green and sustainable packaging design
Craft product application for eco-friendly packaging
Packaging of recycled and eco-friendly materials
Manufacture of green and sustainable packaging
Determination of the types and packaging materials
Awareness programmes on 3R’s packaging ( Reuse, Reduce and Recycle)
Under its Energy and Environment Centre, one of SIRIM’s focus is the development of eco-materials to promote environmental protection, sustainable product-service, and resource recovery efficiency. This includes the development of biodegradable materials (mainly for packaging materials), development of eco-materials for marine ecosystems, and development of sustainable building materials.
SIRIM is a leading industrial research and technology institution in Malaysia which is wholly owned by the Ministry of Finance. They focus on developing new technologies and improvements in the manufacturing, technology and services sectors, by providing services on industrial research, advanced materials development, environmental technology research, biotechnology research, and so on.
GreenPack is a program by SIRIM that aims to promote awareness on the utilization of eco-friendly packaging to the food industry and the consumers. This program package includes:
Development of green and sustainable packaging design
Craft product application for eco-friendly packaging
Packaging of recycled and eco-friendly materials
Manufacture of green and sustainable packaging
Determination of the types and packaging materials
Awareness programmes on 3R’s packaging ( Reuse, Reduce and Recycle)
Under its Energy and Environment Centre, one of SIRIM’s focus is the development of eco-materials to promote environmental protection, sustainable product-service, and resource recovery efficiency. This includes the development of biodegradable materials (mainly for packaging materials), development of eco-materials for marine ecosystems, and development of sustainable building materials.