SWAPPCon is an annual solid waste management conference organized by SWAPP. In the 2023, the theme of the conference is “EPR - Challenges and Opportunities.” This yearly conference is targeting at least 200 participants from the national/local government units, academe and private sector industries in order to instill deeper awareness and strong support to Advocacy.

See presentations from 2023 SWAPPCon here.

Trainings and Seminars

SWAPP designs and implements customized SWM training, facilitates SWM study tours, and seminars, and conducts roundtable discussions on current trends and issues.

The association aims to build the capacity of its members to manage solid waste in their respective areas. SWAPP provides training, technical assistance, research, information exchange, and network building. It provides technical/vocational courses in SWM accredited by the Technical and Educational Skills Development Authority (TESDA).

1. Trainings, Seminars & Conferences (WACS, SWM Plans)

2. Technical Assistance: Surveys, Studies, Research, Project Concept

3. Information Services

4. SWM Advocacy & Events

5. Networking & Linkages

6. Facilitates environmental documentation: ETV, EMS, ECC, IEA, IEE

Type of organization

Organization profile

The Solid Waste Management Association of the Philippines (SWAPP), Inc. is a non-stock, non- profit association composed of national government agencies, local government units (LGUs), institutional organizations, professionals, academe, students and solid waste management (SWM) practitioners who are committed to the proper management of solid waste for a sustainable environment. SWAPP was established in May 2000. It currently has a seat at the National Solid Waste Management Commission, which is a multisectoral body chaired by the Department of Environment and Natural Resources, as one representative of “non government organizations.”

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SWAPPCon is an annual solid waste management conference organized by SWAPP. In the 2023, the theme of the conference is “EPR - Challenges and Opportunities.” This yearly conference is targeting at least 200 participants from the national/local government units, academe and private sector industries in order to instill deeper awareness and strong support to Advocacy.

See presentations from 2023 SWAPPCon here.

Trainings and Seminars

SWAPP designs and implements customized SWM training, facilitates SWM study tours, and seminars, and conducts roundtable discussions on current trends and issues.

The association aims to build the capacity of its members to manage solid waste in their respective areas. SWAPP provides training, technical assistance, research, information exchange, and network building. It provides technical/vocational courses in SWM accredited by the Technical and Educational Skills Development Authority (TESDA).

1. Trainings, Seminars & Conferences (WACS, SWM Plans)

2. Technical Assistance: Surveys, Studies, Research, Project Concept

3. Information Services

4. SWM Advocacy & Events

5. Networking & Linkages

6. Facilitates environmental documentation: ETV, EMS, ECC, IEA, IEE

Type of organization

Alliances & Coalitions

Organization profile

The Solid Waste Management Association of the Philippines (SWAPP), Inc. is a non-stock, non- profit association composed of national government agencies, local government units (LGUs), institutional organizations, professionals, academe, students and solid waste management (SWM) practitioners who are committed to the proper management of solid waste for a sustainable environment. SWAPP was established in May 2000. It currently has a seat at the National Solid Waste Management Commission, which is a multisectoral body chaired by the Department of Environment and Natural Resources, as one representative of “non government organizations.”

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