Healthy Oceans and Clean Cities Initiative

Healthy Oceans and Cleans Cities Initiative (HOCCI) is a marine plastic litter reduction project implemented by UN-Habitat Philippines and funded by the Government of Japan. HOCCI aims to reduce marine plastic litter by strengthening the institutional capacity to support the operationalization and localization of the Philippines’ National Plan of Action for the Prevention, Reduction, and Management of Marine Litter (NPOA-ML) and the development of improved data collection and waste management systems.

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Type of organization

International Organisations and NGOs

Organization profile

Since 2003, UN-Habitat Philippines has supported the government in building sustainable, safe, inclusive and resilient cities and human settlements in the country through the implementation of various programs and projects. In the past two decades, UN-Habitat Philippines continues to build its knowledge base, experience, network, and expertise in localization of global goals, slum upgrading and secure tenure, climate change adaptation and mitigation, and recovery and resettlement.

Healthy Oceans and Clean Cities Initiative

Healthy Oceans and Cleans Cities Initiative (HOCCI) is a marine plastic litter reduction project implemented by UN-Habitat Philippines and funded by the Government of Japan. HOCCI aims to reduce marine plastic litter by strengthening the institutional capacity to support the operationalization and localization of the Philippines’ National Plan of Action for the Prevention, Reduction, and Management of Marine Litter (NPOA-ML) and the development of improved data collection and waste management systems.

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Type of organization

International Organisations and NGOs

Organization profile

Since 2003, UN-Habitat Philippines has supported the government in building sustainable, safe, inclusive and resilient cities and human settlements in the country through the implementation of various programs and projects. In the past two decades, UN-Habitat Philippines continues to build its knowledge base, experience, network, and expertise in localization of global goals, slum upgrading and secure tenure, climate change adaptation and mitigation, and recovery and resettlement.