TCP moving toward circular economy and enhancing EPR practices in Viet Nam

IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature) in collaboration with TCPVN Company Ltd implemented this project as a commitment to protect the environment by performing proper EPR. This project is carried out by trying several different models of EPR, particularly on waste separation, collecting, and recycling some type of waste, such as aluminum cans, PET plastics, and carton papers. Through this, challenges and opportunities for businesses will be identified in order to meet the EPR mandate.

Type of organization

Organization profile

Vietnam Business for Environment (VB4E) is an alliances of businesses in Vietnam initiated by IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature) and ISPONRE (Institute of Strategy and Policy on Natural Resources and environment) of MONRE (Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment) and TH Group Joint Stock Company, that has a strong commitment in conserving the nature and environment through dialogs, workshops, and collaborative projects.

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TCP moving toward circular economy and enhancing EPR practices in Viet Nam

IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature) in collaboration with TCPVN Company Ltd implemented this project as a commitment to protect the environment by performing proper EPR. This project is carried out by trying several different models of EPR, particularly on waste separation, collecting, and recycling some type of waste, such as aluminum cans, PET plastics, and carton papers. Through this, challenges and opportunities for businesses will be identified in order to meet the EPR mandate.

Type of organization

Alliances & Coalitions

Organization profile

Vietnam Business for Environment (VB4E) is an alliances of businesses in Vietnam initiated by IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature) and ISPONRE (Institute of Strategy and Policy on Natural Resources and environment) of MONRE (Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment) and TH Group Joint Stock Company, that has a strong commitment in conserving the nature and environment through dialogs, workshops, and collaborative projects.

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