Public Dialogue: How to "Nudge" an Environmentally Sustainable Lifestyle Amongst Citizens

25 Jun 2024

Jakarta, Indonesia, 14 June 2024: The Center for Southeast Asian Studies (CSEAS) and the Norwegian Institute for Water Research (NIVA), in collaboration with the Ministry of Environment and Forestry (MoEF) of the Republic of Indonesia, and the Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) of Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University, organised a Public Dialogue titled ‘Behavioural Economics: Using ‘Nudge’ for Promoting Pro-environmental Behaviours’ in commemoration of World Environment Day 2024. This event was part of the Norwegian–ASEAN Regional Integration Programme (NARIP) under the ASEAN–Norwegian Cooperation Project on Local Capacity Building for Reducing Plastic Pollution in the ASEAN Region (ASEANO Phase 2).

The objectives of the public dialogue were twofold: to provide a comprehensive overview of behavioural economics and the concept of nudging, highlighting its relevance to environmental sustainability; and to present practical insights and strategies for applying nudges in various contexts to promote sustainable practices.

The Opening Session featured welcoming remarks from Dr Asyari Hasan, Vice Dean for Students, Alumni, and Cooperation Affairs of the FEB, and Ms Jo Kumala Dewi, Director of Environmental Partnerships of MoEF. Both speakers offered thought-provoking and engaging remarks, emphasising the small steps individuals can take towards sustainability and the importance of caring for our planet.

The following Panel Discussion was led by Dr Arisman, Associate Professor of FEB and Executive Director of CSEAS, alongside Ms Ayako Mizuno, Programme Manager of the Regional Knowledge Centre for Marine Plastic Debris of ERIA. Dr Arisman provided the scientific background of behavioural economics and its applications in different social contexts. Ms Mizuno showcased findings from recent ERIA pilot projects using nudge principles to reduce single-use plastics consumption in several ASEAN cities. She highlighted, ‘About one-third of our plastic products are single-use, which means that they are destined to be used either one time or for a very short period before being thrown away. If we can reduce the consumption of these single-use plastics, we can address a big part of the current plastic waste problem at source.’

The Discussion Session was facilitated by Mr. Aditya Heru Wardhana, Supervising Editor of CNN Indonesia, and Dr Zuhairan Yunmi Yunan, Vice Dean of Academic Affairs of FEB. Approximately 60 students in attendance engaged in a lively exchange with the discussants, recognising the gravity of the multitude of environmental issues we face, while also highlighting the role each individual can play in addressing them.

*  Find out more about the ERIA–IGES ‘Behavioural Insights Application for Plastic Reduction’ project and the Toolkit.

Ayako Mizuno
Ayako Mizuno

Programme Manager

Jakarta, Indonesia, 14 June 2024: The Center for Southeast Asian Studies (CSEAS) and the Norwegian Institute for Water Research (NIVA), in collaboration with the Ministry of Environment and Forestry (MoEF) of the Republic of Indonesia, and the Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) of Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University, organised a Public Dialogue titled ‘Behavioural Economics: Using ‘Nudge’ for Promoting Pro-environmental Behaviours’ in commemoration of World Environment Day 2024. This event was part of the Norwegian–ASEAN Regional Integration Programme (NARIP) under the ASEAN–Norwegian Cooperation Project on Local Capacity Building for Reducing Plastic Pollution in the ASEAN Region (ASEANO Phase 2).

The objectives of the public dialogue were twofold: to provide a comprehensive overview of behavioural economics and the concept of nudging, highlighting its relevance to environmental sustainability; and to present practical insights and strategies for applying nudges in various contexts to promote sustainable practices.

The Opening Session featured welcoming remarks from Dr Asyari Hasan, Vice Dean for Students, Alumni, and Cooperation Affairs of the FEB, and Ms Jo Kumala Dewi, Director of Environmental Partnerships of MoEF. Both speakers offered thought-provoking and engaging remarks, emphasising the small steps individuals can take towards sustainability and the importance of caring for our planet.

The following Panel Discussion was led by Dr Arisman, Associate Professor of FEB and Executive Director of CSEAS, alongside Ms Ayako Mizuno, Programme Manager of the Regional Knowledge Centre for Marine Plastic Debris of ERIA. Dr Arisman provided the scientific background of behavioural economics and its applications in different social contexts. Ms Mizuno showcased findings from recent ERIA pilot projects using nudge principles to reduce single-use plastics consumption in several ASEAN cities. She highlighted, ‘About one-third of our plastic products are single-use, which means that they are destined to be used either one time or for a very short period before being thrown away. If we can reduce the consumption of these single-use plastics, we can address a big part of the current plastic waste problem at source.’

The Discussion Session was facilitated by Mr. Aditya Heru Wardhana, Supervising Editor of CNN Indonesia, and Dr Zuhairan Yunmi Yunan, Vice Dean of Academic Affairs of FEB. Approximately 60 students in attendance engaged in a lively exchange with the discussants, recognising the gravity of the multitude of environmental issues we face, while also highlighting the role each individual can play in addressing them.

*  Find out more about the ERIA–IGES ‘Behavioural Insights Application for Plastic Reduction’ project and the Toolkit.

Ayako Mizuno
Ayako Mizuno

Programme Manager


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